Wishing Him Well

Hey Close Friends,

I’ve been thinking a lot about what takes up our brain space and how much control we have over that. It is so easy to think of something that makes you uneasy, sad, angry, etc. and just spiral. But we are fully capable of letting thoughts enter our mind and then letting them go. This is actually one of the first steps in meditation. If you struggle with this, try focusing on your breath. When something pops into your head that distracts you from the current moment, take a second, acknowledge it, and then let it go; returning to your breath. Any thoughts that do not serve you have to be released. SO, taking this practice into my day to day… whenever the last guy I dated pops into my head, I consciously stop, send him kind thoughts and then I release him. Although I don’t get to control who pops into my head, I do get the to control how long he stays there. And THAT’S growth!

See you soon, sweet friends!




Gratitude Walk


I hate when people cancel on me...