An Introduction

Hey Close Friends,

Hey close friends,

A week and a half ago I decided to go on a 6 month self love journey and almost overnight I reached thousands of new friends, who wanted to come with me on this journey. So I think it’s time to introduce myself. I’m Steph. I’m a 30 year old single gal living in San Francisco. I’m in eternal optimist, business owner, and photographer. I love riding my bike, hosting dinner parties, telling funny stories and dancing! I have been single for the majority of my adult life and for the most part, the dating scene has been rough. After recently being broken up with I was left to evaluate some things… I have always been in search of a healthy, meaningful partnership. For years, I’ve watched my sweet friends, meet their people fall in love, and smash out these milestones while I recognize I am not even standing at the starting line. I realized for years I have been giving my focus and bright light to unvetted men, who most of the time haven’t even asked for it in the first place. In an effort to create space and meet my partner, I’ve compromised and made excuses when they’ve fallen short of that incredibly healthy partnership I believe is possible. A week and a half ago. I realize something had to change. So I have turned my focus back to me. To make my life the best most enriching life I can by filling it with intentional, self-care routines, and investing time and energy into the relationships and friendships in my life that I already have. I’m determined to find the path to deeper self-love and I’m so happy to have you on this journey with me.

See you soon, sweet friends!




Dancin’ Feet


What Loneliness Feels Like to Me